Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Three Swell Soccer Blogs

Good sports reporting is a rarity these days, so I've combed through the wastebin and plucked out three honest-to-goodness decent soccer blogs for you. If this humble site doesn't sate your craving for soccer news, head on over to these fine blogs for your footie fix.

1. The Guardian's Football League Blog  -  England's Premier League is full of unimaginative tactics and overpaid stars. The UK's finest paper has deftly side-stepped that mess and put quality writers to work covering the land's lower leagues. For Americans who aren't familiar with the rich soccer tradition in England, this blog can serve as a wonderful jumping-off point.

2. Zonal Marking  -  The undisputed champion of soccer tactics writing, Zonal Marking dissects matchday strategies with an obsessive attention to detail. Nerdy and probably overwhelming for soccer newcomers, the blog nevertheless sparkles with wit and imagination. To understand the intricacies of the beautiful game, there is nowhere else to turn.

3. When Saturday Comes  -  A quality sports magazine is even rarer nowadays than a quality sports blog, yet When Saturday Comes is both. Though it delivers good enough straight news, WSC really shines in the editorial department. Its writers offer up unique and innovate views which can't be found in the more sanitized realm of mainstream sports newswriting.

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