Thursday, September 30, 2010

About This Blog

Like many Americans, I played youth soccer growing up. I enjoyed my brief heyday as Concord Township's most feared goalie but, alas, my talent and height proved lacking after graduating to the "over-ten" demographic. My dreams of professional soccer (such as they were) fizzled out fairly soon and so did my interest in the game as a spectacle. Though I grew up to be a sports fan, I just never got soccer. Too little scoring. Not enough carnage. It lacked the basic sporting necessities.

That changed after the 2006 World Cup. Though I didn't follow it intensely, I managed to watch a few matches and found that I really enjoyed the finesse, skill and passion of the game. The anxious buildup to goals and the accompanying groans or cheers thrilled me. I've been a soccer nerd ever since.

If only my fellow countrymen felt the same way. I try and try to convince friends to watch matches with me, but am met by the same disinterested looks every time. Hence, this attempt to evangelize the American Midwest. In the coming weeks, this blog aims to bring my slice of America up to date with the world's game. By supplying news and information about soccer, readers will hopefully familiarize themselves with futbol enough to chat it up with the hardest soccer hooligans in West London.


  1. I was the same with soccer since a kid - played when I was younger but it never grew much more on me. I have friends who follow international teams but I agree on the lack of interest with most Americans. I'm pretty sure if we had a more established heritage with the game there would be more American futbol followers but as it is the game is too "Americanized" in the states and therefore plays on people's minds more like baseball - slow and boring. People have become too impatient to see the buildup of intensity in a soccer game and truly appreciate it for one of most intense and exciting competitions that exist in our culture. Alas, appreciate what you enjoy but unfortunately I'm not sure people are willing to change.

  2. I am one of the Americans that knew little about soccer. After following the 2010 World Cup it has ignited my interest. I look forward to hearing more about your blog.

  3. Your passion for soccer is definitely intriguing.
