Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Midweek Roundup

The Dribble likes to keep current. It knows what the youngsters are listening to, which politician's bribing whom and, most importantly, it knows all the latest soccer news from across the world. On Wednesdays, a few nuggets of this wealth of knowledge are dutifully reported in a feature called the Midweek Roundup. Let's trot the globe, then, shall we?

Image courtesy WikiMedia Foundation
The biggest news of the week comes from the home of the Beatles: Liverpool, England. One of the most storied clubs in soccer history, five-time European Champions Liverpool F.C., are embroiled in an ownership wrangle stemming from the organization's massive debt. The club's current owners, Americans Tom Hicks and George Gillett, have been ordered by a court in England today to sell the club. Hoping to purchase the club is John Henry, current owner of the Boston Red Sox. Drama over the sale only continued after the ruling, however, as a Texas court ordered that the club not be sold. The matter remains unsettled (and unsettling, for Liverpudlians). The Dribble wonders what jurisdiction a Texas court has in England...

Image courtesy WikiMedia Foundation

In less inscrutable news, qualifying games for the 2012 European Championship were afoot this past week. Brave Scotland narrowly lost to World Cup winners Spain in Glasgow, by a score of 2 to 3. After falling behind 2 - 0, the Scots fought back to level pegging but surrendered a crucial late goal. Sticking with a British Isles theme, England drew nil - nil with lowly Montenegro and Ireland drew 1 - 1 with Slovakia.

Well, we haven't exactly circumnavigated the world, but then again the big happenings of the mid-week were almost all in Europe. Regardless, this first installment of the Midweek Roundup is no more. Thanks for tuning in.

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